The Flock – Edition #5

Welcome back Flockers!

Here at Ibis headquarters we are excited to announce we’ve been approved to publish The Flock for another year. So you can turn those frowns upside down because we’re back!

We thought it best to announce a few ‘housekeeping’ rules before getting started. Firstly, if you have any issues with the content posted in the flock, the process for voicing your concerns remain the same;

  1. Write your complaint on a piece of paper addressing it to the Ibis Head Quarters.
  2. Proceed to package your lunch in the piece of paper containing your complaint.
  3. During your lunch break head your local park, or an institute of higher education and find yourself a comfortable patch of grass.
  4. Take out your pre-wrapped, complaint riddled lunch and proceed to eat.
  5. Wait for one of our ‘employees’ to collect the complaint directly from your hands.
  6. Carry on with life, knowing your complaint has been successfully delivered.

Our second housekeeping rule isn’t even a rule, rather, more of a request. This year we would like to get all of you flying Flockers more involved. Yay!
So if you favour yourself as a wordsmith, or have a scandalous event you would like included in the undeniably sporadic fortnightly edition of The Flock, please do not hesitate contact us directly. Follow the steps above or, unconventionally, via email [].
Please note any complaints regarding Flock content received via email will be automatically deleted.

Now that the boring stuff is over, we can sink our teeth into the juicy flesh of our year so far.
Being the second #yearoftheibis, we’ve started it off as good as any other year; with getting drunk! For all of you lovers of beer, wine, spirits, cartoons and general rowdiness we extend our warmest thank yous for attending the QUT Pub Crawl!
Special thanks to Ryan ‘Shutterspeed’ Ballantyne for capturing the night.
The crawl was a major success. Hell, if success is measured in searing pain and the inability to function as a normal human being the following day, then the crawl hit a 12/10 (especially for this Flocker).

Congratulations go out to Andrew ‘Dragon’ Penhaligon and Gen ‘Bruce’ Lee for taking out best dressed on the night. Congratulations also go to Caitlin ‘Spoon’ Murray and Josh ‘Bieber’ Raines for completing the task cards the quickest, and showing us dignity is indeed only weakness.

A special congratulations goes out to two of our other Flockers, who decided to ignore an age old ‘incest rule’ and join the fray of Ibis that anticipate on tying the knot in the near future. Congratulations to Thomas ‘Obama’ Mills and Amanda ‘Charlie Bit Me’ Charlton – we know your babies will have Ibis hearts and possibly Ibis skin!

As is tradition here, let us finish with a strange quote and completely irrational photo.

“A watermelon dropped from a meter will hurt. A watermelon dropped from a building will kill; so be weary of how far you drop things”.

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